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what's Planitt?

An innovative peer-to-peer behavioural habit tracker that gives you back full data sovereignty

Track Personal Progress

Use the visuals of your unique tree of habits to track the hourly, daily, weekly progress of your personal goals.

Track your career, fitness, relationships - whichever space you choose!

Break Down or Build Up Tasks

Use the teachings of behavioural science to go further:

Break down mammoth undertakings into simple tasks to tick off, or move mountains, one list at a time!

Share Your Behaviour Securely

When you decide to share your data from the local-first personal tracker with others, you have total control.

Built on a truly peer-to-peer encrypted framework, we're taking data BACK


Let's tap in to the human desire to share with
(and learn from) each other...


Cryptography and distributed, p2p co-operation enable new ways to mimic or teach

Holochain - a distributed data integrity framework
Holochain - the distributed data integrity framework powering Planitt
Inspired by
behavioural theory​

Leveraging the knowledge of others, we can reach our personal goals​

Photo by Lala Azizli on Unsplash

“People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.”
F. M. Alexander

Stay Up To Date

We are in an Alpha development stage. To stay up to date with major new releases and to hear about how to become an early tester on mobile, sign up here:
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